Top Women's Portrait Photographer in Ontario Canada. Tanya Smith

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How to Look Good in Photos. 12 Easy Tips From Your Photographer
How to Look Good in Photos. 12 Easy Tips From Your Photographer
Also known as: How to Take a Better Selfie! Tell me if this sounds familiar;  You get dressed and you love your outfit. Your makeup is on point and your hair is rockin’.  You feel amazing, and you know you are looking GOOD. But then someone pulls out their phone to take a fun...
What is holding you back from doing a boudoir session?
What is holding you back from doing a boudoir session?
If you are like most women, you would LOVE to have beautiful phots of yourself (sexy, glamorous, professional...or a combination!)But many of you don't book the session....and that makes me wonder....why?What is holding you back? In my private facebook group, I asked this question and got an...
You have a magic power.
You have a magic power.
I’ve decided to post here on the blog some of the musings I do on instagram. There are worries and rumbles that social media (especially instagram and facebook) are shutting down boudoir photographers accounts with no warnings, and it would be sad if I lost my posts and photos, but it...

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