I’ve decided to post here on the blog some of the musings I do on instagram.
There are worries and rumbles that social media (especially instagram and facebook) are shutting down boudoir photographers accounts with no warnings, and it would be sad if I lost my posts and photos, but it would be VERY sad if I lost my followers and the people who I chat with on the daily, especially in my private Facebook Group (for women only).
If you don’t follow me on instagram or facebook, (where I have more posts like this) please do- I would love to have you join the conversations… but more importantly, PLEASE click the links on this website (or just click here) and add your name to my mailing list. That way no matter what happens with social media, we can still be friends!
Today, I came across a photo of me from 2 or 3 years ago. I remember we were going out, and my daughter took a photo of us.
I remember feeling YUCK that day. I think I was having a hard day, didn’t sleep well the night before, and I didn’t even want to go out. I thought about cancelling.
We went anyway (and ended up having a great time- isn’t that always the way?), but I felt like I didn’t look very good and you could see my sleepless night on my face.
I felt like I needed more.
More make up. More gym time. More sleep. Better hair. Cooler clothes.
Anyone else have days like that?
But a funny thing happened when I looked back at that photo today.
I love how I look!! I really think I look amazing in the photo! I can’t see ANYTHING that I was stressing about those 3 short years ago!
If only I knew then, that I was beautiful.
If only I let all those insecurities go and stood in my confidence that day, so when I looked back on the photo, THAT is what I remembered. That I looked and felt GOOD.
From now on, when someone tells you that you look beautiful, believe them. ok?
Own it.
Because that confidence is gonna make you look MORE beautiful.
Because confidence is beauty.
We have a magic power to change the way we see ourselves.
And it starts with a mindset.
Choose confidence over insecurities.
Remember your powers….You Are Magic.
More Self Love. Less Self Sabotage.