Also known as: How to Take a Better Selfie!
Tell me if this sounds familiar; You get dressed and you love your outfit. Your makeup is on point and your hair is rockin’. You feel amazing, and you know you are looking GOOD.
But then someone pulls out their phone to take a fun shot for instagram. “sure you can tag me” you say, cuz you know how good you are looking today.
Except when you see the photo, you don’t look anything like you thought you did. Is the mirror lying?
No. It’s not the mirror.
It’s the lighting.
Or it’s the angle.
Or it could be a number of other things.
As a professional photographer, I have learned a lot about how to pose people and how a slight shift in angles can make all the difference.
I can give you more or less curves.
I can define your jawline, take away (or make) a double chin.
Simply by posing or changing my angle.
Dont believe me? Take a look at these before and afters of real clients as they go from “Natural” to “Knockout”.
Here are 12 tips for you to look great in photos:
- Always remember, what is closest to the camera looks larger so avoid pointing anything you want to look smaller directly to the camera. Think hips, arms etc. give them a slight turn away or shift your weight accordingly.
- Make sure to wear blush. It will avoid your face looking flat. A pink shade on the apples of your cheeks will help shape your face and give it dimension.
- A real smile always looks better than a fake one. Avoid saying “cheese” it looks cheesy ;). Instead, think of something funny so you have a real smile.
- If possible, stand in front of a light colored wall. It helps to brighten your face, and helps most cameras’ automatic settings do a better job finding the right color balance so your skin tone doesn’t look “off”.
- Touch up your make up. Lipstick (keep it bright) A bit of pressed powder (cut shine). Pink blush on the apples of your cheeks.But if you don’t have time to touch up, grab a tissue or cocktail napkin and press (don’t rub) to your face in oily spots and give your cheeks a quick pinch. Totally old school but it works!
- Stay away from dark matte lip colors. It makes your lips look thinner and dry and has an ageing effect. Stick to bright colors on your lips…and use a bit of gloss to make them look moist and full.
- Facing the camera straight on is rarely flattering. turn your body slightly in 45 degree angle and bring your face around to face the camera.
- Avoid standing directly under a light source. It will cast shadows on your face and add shadows under your eyes. Instead, move so that overhead light is in front of you or even better, try to face the light if possible. A window will give soft light on your face slightly from the side and looks best.
- To enhance your eyes and make them sparkle, face a light source like a lamp or a window.
- Are you a blinker? Do you always end up with your eyes half closed in photos? Shut your eyes right before the photo is taken and open them slowly before the shutter clicks. Bam!
- A photo from just slightly above is more flattering and slimming. Try to keep your eye level a bit below the camera lens. If you are taller than the person holding the camera, grab a seat.
- Avoid too much shimmer on your face. Light catches it and makes your skin look oily or sweaty. It’s fine on your neck or chest though but keep your face matte
Now the next time someone pulls out their phone to take a shot, don’t hide. You are going to look as good at you think you do…maybe better!
You're welcome